Live Gracefully; Believe Wholeheartedly

TheraSuit Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

>> Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here is some information on a great intensive therapy that is designed specifically for people/children with Cerebral Palsy:

TheraSuit Method® was created by Izabela and Richard Koscielny (Physical Therapists and parents of a daughter with Cerebral Palsy). It is a very holistic approach to treatment for those afflicted with neurological disorders like Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, and Traumatic Brain Injuries. It combines the best elements of various techniques and methods, and has a sound rationale based on physiology of exercises. The key element is a strengthening program established for the participant based on his/her individual needs, strengths and weaknesses. Increased strength reflects in daily functional activities that usually follow or are combined with the strengthening exercises. TheraSuit Method® is based on an intensive and specific exercise program. Elimination of pathological reflexes and establishing new, correct, and functional patterns of movements is of significant importance. TheraSuit Method® utilizes various tools and exercises. One of them is the soft dynamic proprioceptive orthosis called TheraSuit®. TheraSuit® aligns the body as close to normal as possible. Reestablishing the correct postural alignment plays a crucial role in normalizing muscle tone, sensory and vestibular function. Universal Exercise Unit is used to train one the abilities to isolate the desired movements and strengthen the muscle groups responsible for that movement. Universal Exercise Unit allows to gain range of motion, muscle and joint flexibility, as well as functional skills. TheraSuit Method® is a structured program that enhances growth and development of each individual. (Taken directly from

We have done two separate TheraSuit intensive therapy sessions with our daughter Emily. The first time she did an intensive she was only 18 months old, so she did not wear the complete TheraSuit and her session were only two hours long instead of three hours. We saw a huge improvement in Emily head control, trunk stability, and her eyes seems to improve in how they looked at things.

The second time we did the TheraSuit intensive with Emily was when she was 3 1/2 years old and we did it in conjunction with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This made for very long days for Emily, but the results were well worth it! Emily gained a tremendous amount of strength throughout her body, her head control continued to improve and her stamina improved as well. You could also tell how proud Emily was of her self and everything she accomplished each session. This is a therapy that I highly recommend looking into to give your child a kick start in gross motor development.

There are only a few places in the Twin Cities are that I am familiar with that offer this therapy:

Special Children's Center in Hudson, WI -

Courage Center in Burnsville, MN -

For more information regarding this therapy please contact me directly.



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