Live Gracefully; Believe Wholeheartedly

Frequencies of Brilliance - Energy Work

>> Saturday, August 22, 2009

What is Frequencies of Brilliance?

Frequencies of Brilliance is a 4th/5th dimensional work. The process is that of activating doorways by lightly touching the body or working just above the body.

These doorways are to be found in patterns on the front and back of the body.

Each doorway holds the highest aspect of the human being and is complete in itself. This means that there is a perfect potential to be accessed and activated throughout the doorways in the body. A recollection of yourself, a birthing of remembrance of your highest potential which begins to transmit and awaken through your cells so that you begin to consciously remember and experience the unlimited self. It does not work with the ego mind, rather, through the entire nervous system and brain, and the spiral in the cells and spinal fluid. New areas of the brain begin to function for the first time. You begin to recollect and connect to gifts of YOURSELF.

Physical and emotional healing takes place within the physical and emotional bodies with this process because as you access the divine aspects of you – you as your own healer begin to automatically transform the physical and emotional body.

I first took Emily to see a person who practices Frequencies of Brilliance not knowing what it was all about or how it would affect Emily. The first session consisted of the practitioner opening up the channels for Emily to receive this work. It was very interested watching the session take place as Emily would respond in various ways (laughing, crying, anger, relaxation) based on the different areas she was being worked on. However, the practitioner really wasn't even touching Emily's physical body at all. This is when I began to believe that we can be worked on in more ways than just on our physical body.

Emily has received about ten or more Frequencies sessions and each one helps her in different ways. I sometimes get an intuitive message from Emily that it is time for another session and sure enough there is always something positive that comes out of each session.

For more information about this therapy please contact me directly.



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