Live Gracefully; Believe Wholeheartedly

Fear of Attachment

>> Monday, August 31, 2009

I recently ran into a friend of mine and our conversation seemed to focus on the fear of attachment. I can completely identify with this fear since I had a fear of getting to close to Emily when she was a newborn and so sick. For some reason I was so afraid of loving her because we weren't even sure that she was going to live long. All of the possible diagnosis that we were told for her only had her living until the age of two. I was so afraid that if I loved her I would lose her and I did not think I could survive that kind of pain.

They are many other ways people can fear attachment. I have seen it happen in families where their are children from a previous marriage brought together by two people. It is feared by the grandparent of step-grandchild that the marriage might not last and they will no longer be able to see that step-grandchild.

Fear happens when a couple is trying so hard to have a baby and with each pregnancy it ends in sadness of a lost child. Fear also happens when a couple is trying so hard to adopt and as they get word that their new baby has been born it is crushed by the news of the mother decided to keep him/her. Fear also happens when a child is diagnosed with a disease and you know that their time on earth is limited, but you don't know for how long.

So why is it that we are so consumed with fear in this world? How can we change things? Well, I don't have the answer to that question, but I have some help. We must change the way we think about life. We need to appreciate every waking moment we have with each other and with the ones we love. We must remember to cherish every day with each other and turn the rest over to the universe. Once we begin to let go, we open ourselves up to receive. Don't let you life be consumed with fear, let it go and see what happens.


Minnesota’s STAR Technology Exchange (STARTE)

>> Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Minnesota’s STAR Technology Exchange (STARTE)

The goal of STARTE hosted by the Minnesota STAR Program is to put AT equipment that is not currently being used into the hands of someone who can benefit from it. STARTE is primarily for Minnesotans, although we do accept entries from neighboring states. The program is designed to facilitate equipment exchange between individuals and is not for the use of vendors or distributors. You may browse our listings anonymously (without having an account or being logged in), however to view contact information and/or post your own items you must be a registered user and be logged in.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us at 651-201-2640 or 888-234-1267 (Toll-Free).

Categories of devices listed on STARTE are:

* Computers and related
* Daily Living
* Environmental Adaptations
* Hearing
* Learning, Cognitive, & Developmental
* Mobility, Seating & Positioning
* Recreation, Sports, and Leisure
* Speech Communication
* Vehicle Modification and Transportation
* Vision
* Other

For listings of available devices log on to:


Equipment Needs/Exchange Information

Need a wheelchair, crutches or other medical equipment?

Goodwill/Easter Seals Minnesota lends assistive living medical equipment to anyone in need. We offer wheelchairs, commodes, walkers, crutches and more free of charge in this temporary loan program. Short-term loans of equipment should be returned in about three to four months.


1. Anyone with a temporary need may borrow equipment.

* You are recovering from an injury or surgery.
* You want to try the equipment before buying it.
* You are waiting for insurance coverage approval.
* You are helping a friend or relative accept the idea of using equipment.
* You are ill and uncertain about the period of need.
* You are a visitor to the area who may not be able to transport your own equipment.

2. How to borrow medical equipment from Goodwill/Easter Seals:

* Determine what you need, including size, special features, etc..
* Talk to your doctor or therapist if you have questions on specific needs.
* Call the number below to inquire about equipment availability and to arrange a time to pick up the equipment.

3. Where to pick up the equipment: St. Paul 553 Fairview Ave. N. St. Paul, MN 55104 (651) 379-5922 4. Please, always return the equipment on schedule. Metro area customers may return equipment to any metro area Goodwill store for your convenience.Non-metro area customers, please return equipment to the place you picked it up. Donate medical equipment to our loan program We need and accept donations of the following assistive living and medical equipment:

* Walkers
* Commodes
* Bathtub rails and tub seats
* Wheelchairs (not powered)
* Transfer benches
* Children's wheelchairs and other equipment
* Other assistive living equipment

Donations are accepted at the following location in the Goodwill store drop off lanes. Ask for a receipt to document your donation for tax purposes. St. Paul 553 Fairview Ave. N. St. Paul, MN 55104 (651) 379-5922

In addition to the Loan Program there is a monthly list called the Specialized Equipment List that is emailed out to those who request it. This list contains equipment that has been donated to Good Will Easter Seals 'as is' for ownership transfer. If you wish to be on the email list to receive updates on avaiable equipement please contact:

Ryc Lyden Medical Equipment Loan Program and Work Force Development Supervisor Goodwill Easter Seals, MN. 553 Fairview Ave No. St. Paul, MN. 55104 Direct phone number: (651)-379-5926


TheraSuit Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

>> Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here is some information on a great intensive therapy that is designed specifically for people/children with Cerebral Palsy:

TheraSuit Method® was created by Izabela and Richard Koscielny (Physical Therapists and parents of a daughter with Cerebral Palsy). It is a very holistic approach to treatment for those afflicted with neurological disorders like Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, and Traumatic Brain Injuries. It combines the best elements of various techniques and methods, and has a sound rationale based on physiology of exercises. The key element is a strengthening program established for the participant based on his/her individual needs, strengths and weaknesses. Increased strength reflects in daily functional activities that usually follow or are combined with the strengthening exercises. TheraSuit Method® is based on an intensive and specific exercise program. Elimination of pathological reflexes and establishing new, correct, and functional patterns of movements is of significant importance. TheraSuit Method® utilizes various tools and exercises. One of them is the soft dynamic proprioceptive orthosis called TheraSuit®. TheraSuit® aligns the body as close to normal as possible. Reestablishing the correct postural alignment plays a crucial role in normalizing muscle tone, sensory and vestibular function. Universal Exercise Unit is used to train one the abilities to isolate the desired movements and strengthen the muscle groups responsible for that movement. Universal Exercise Unit allows to gain range of motion, muscle and joint flexibility, as well as functional skills. TheraSuit Method® is a structured program that enhances growth and development of each individual. (Taken directly from

We have done two separate TheraSuit intensive therapy sessions with our daughter Emily. The first time she did an intensive she was only 18 months old, so she did not wear the complete TheraSuit and her session were only two hours long instead of three hours. We saw a huge improvement in Emily head control, trunk stability, and her eyes seems to improve in how they looked at things.

The second time we did the TheraSuit intensive with Emily was when she was 3 1/2 years old and we did it in conjunction with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This made for very long days for Emily, but the results were well worth it! Emily gained a tremendous amount of strength throughout her body, her head control continued to improve and her stamina improved as well. You could also tell how proud Emily was of her self and everything she accomplished each session. This is a therapy that I highly recommend looking into to give your child a kick start in gross motor development.

There are only a few places in the Twin Cities are that I am familiar with that offer this therapy:

Special Children's Center in Hudson, WI -

Courage Center in Burnsville, MN -

For more information regarding this therapy please contact me directly.



Reflexology for Constipation

>> Sunday, August 23, 2009

Emily is on many medications which have the side effect of constipation. So finding ways to get her to have a bowel movement can sometimes be difficult. We have pretty much tried everything for her and one of the things that seems to work well is reflexology in addition to her bowel management plan.

There is a spot on the inner part of your foot that is affiliated with the digestive system. If you push gently into this are with your finger and either hold it or gently massage it, it really seems to work in producing a bowel movement.

I would recommend that you take your child or yourself to a reflexologist or a massage therapist that knows reflexology to learn the proper way to perform it before attempting it on yourself or anyone else.

For more information on reflexology visit


NeuroCranial Restructuring - NCR

>> Saturday, August 22, 2009

NeuroCranial Restructuring™ is the newest and most powerful therapy in physical medicine. NCR is a cumulative treatment process involving controlled release of the connective tissue tensions -- resulting from traumas -- to unwind the body and return it towards its original design. NCR utilizes careful analysis of the body’s "proprioception" (patterns of balance) to determine the precise areas of the skull needing to be unlocked during each day’s treatment. An NCR series consists of four treatments given on consecutive days. Each case is evaluated individually for the optimal long-term outcome. Repeat treatment series are usually scheduled between one and six months apart.

This sounds very complex, but in practice it is relatively simple:

First, the patient receives customized NCR bodywork. This includes the limbs, abdomen, back and head. Next, the patient is specifically assessed to determine the cranial treatment pattern for the day. Then the patient is precisely positioned on the therapy table with the help of an assistant, including the support of pelvic wedges and sometimes a cranial pillow, for optimal treatment results and greater patient comfort. Then a small "endonasal" balloon is inserted into the nostril, briefly inflated, and quickly removed. Many patients describe the balloon pressure sensation as similar to getting water up their nose when jumping into a pool. Finally a recheck verifies that the treatment results have been achieved for that day.

"Endonasal" balloons in treatment are not new. They have been a valuable tool in practice since the early 1930s. Frequently these treatments, such as Bilateral Nasal Specific therapy, gave relief of symptoms and some long-term results. However these older treatment approaches were generalized and frequently painful.

In conclusion, NCR is different from these therapies. NCR creates incremental, cumulative, permanent structural changes to reverse the effects of the traumatic events of a body’s life. Birth trauma, accidents and falls, sports injuries, medical procedures, severe emotional and biochemical traumas are just some of the causes of musculoskeletal damage that are released with NCR.

I took Emily to have NCR done a couple of years ago to see if it would help with her seizures and also to correct her left eye that was not properly aligned. The process for this was four sessions in a row. Each session consisted of 45 - 1 hour of energy work by two different people and then the quick NCR adjustment at the end. Emily seemed to respond very well to this therapy, but it did not change her seizures like I had hoped it would. It did, however, correct her eye that was not following or properly aligned with her other eye. This was done two years ago and Emily's eye remains corrected to date.

I also had a session performed on myself. I can say that it doesn't hurt, but it is definetly uncomfortable. I could feel the facial plates shifting while balloon was being quickly inflated. It felt like I was diving way too deep into the water and the pressure in my head was building up fast. But it was all over in a matter of seconds and I saw that my face was better aligned after my four sessions.

For more information on this therapy, please contact me directly.


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